the fortress

You want to take up space, go after what you really want & be who you truly are…
without losing belonging. 

But you and I both know how hard that is…







So sure, the dream is to…

Let yourself ✨SPARKLE✨

Let yourself ✨SHINE✨

Live in goodness saying, “✨I AM MINE!✨”


But people will doubt, criticize and shame you. They project, side eye & talk shit.  For as long as you can remember, your authenticity has been a problem. And while you can go it alone and have, it’s lonely… and all that projection fucking hurts.

The FORTRESS is the sacred place where we get to practice shame alchemy as we play, hoot, holler, celebrate & support one another to let life be good inside the walls of a protective sanctuary. 

If you need a place to be fully you without the risk of being shamed, you’re invited.

In The FORTRESS, we embody unconditional positive regard, celebration, & shamelessness as our group energy; meaning you don’t have to diminish, mask, hide or pretend to be “less.” You don’t have to care-take, tip-toe or be tamed.

Your biggest expression is not too much for me. In fact, I delight in it. 

In The FORTRESS your radiance will be regarded.

Your intelligence, celebrated.

Your muchness, wanted.

Your tender heart, protected.

Your sparkly self, reflected back.  

Your ambition, amplified. 

Relate? You’re in great company.

People come to this work looking for permission to SHINE (and shake their ass)… and through our work together, we discover:

  • A lifetime of pretending, fixing and trying to fit in was in fact, boring as hell

  • Their old threat responses had them masking & hiding, trying to protect them from rejection or being shamed - but they are ready to bloom!

  • Their past therapist or coach simply didn’t have the range to hold all their muchness

  • A highly-sensitive, intuitive & gifted young one, waiting for the inner adult to bring them back to life

  • A playful, sassy radiance that wants to be celebrated, mirrored in goodness & appreciated

  • Shame of their fullness, aliveness & power

  • A tender heart, not wanting to make anyone jealous, feel inferior or less than

  • Early messaging that their Truth, Essence and True Self was bad, sinful or wrong

  • They are SICK of hearing from “healers” that this work has to be sooooo hard and lonely (Healing can be FUN & you literally cannot do this shit alone).

  • They are healthier, more well, & further along than their shame wants them to believe

  • A history of bullying, lack of belonging & pain resulting in lack of boundaries, diminishment & people-pleasing 

  • Repressed anger that their FULL, AUTHENTIC SELF wasn’t welcomed or celebrated


Sound like you?


Come! Join us!

Come be in my protective Fortress

A sacred community alchemizing shame by celebrating our muchness & bringing forth heart's desires into full expression!

We begin June 1.


Finding safety in my Sacred Heart…

Over the last decade, I’ve done my fair share of “coming out” & wandering lost, looking for my people… looking for myself. 

Due to early imprints of un-belonging, gaslighting and abuse, I couldn’t see myself clearly.

Humiliation plagued me.

I lived closeted (in more ways than one) for many years.

For protection, I hid my Truth & I wore masks to get by. 

I pretended.

I gave the world a half-hearted version of my genius. 

Over the years, I slowly liberated myself: I came out, discovered my neurodivergence, untethered myself from harm and created boundaries…

But even after a near decade of therapy & healing, I wasn’t able to feel safe inside myself or tell my truth. 

I was riddled with shame, trying desperately to fix & improve myself.

Despite being out, queer and in love, I watched these shame-based “fixing” patterns slowly implode the life & relationship I thought I wanted.

It took this all time low to show me the depths of shame that were keeping heart closed, my Essence hidden & much muchness tamed.

Soon after my painful breakup, I was invited to an intimate ritual with dancing & the claiming of my heart’s desire. It was just the medicine my broken, closed heart needed.

Feeling safe to be seen totally nude, stripped down to my truth, dancing in desire & celebrated in my muchness changed me.

My heart began to reawaken as shame melted. 

I became enamored with the well of my own Sacred Heart, & obsessed with removing the layers of shame that kept my best parts hidden away under a protective mask.

I fantasized about sitting in circle with fellow women, queer & neurodivergent folks, worshiping life together. We would be dancing, celebrating one another and living the goodness; expressing our innocence boldly.

I devoted myself to living this into being privately, in the FORTRESS of my own heart & life.

I began to see that orienting myself to the life I desired: one of goodness, ease and liberation.

I began to grieve as layers of shame melted away. 

In shame’s place, vitality, tenderness, connection and goodness emerged. 

Where once there was gaslighting and abuse– now clarity and Truth. 

Where once, shame and humiliation– now liberation and self-expression. 

Where once, loneliness– now intimacy and communion. 

Where once, stuckness and fear– now I’m dancing with life. 

Where once, diminishment and masking– now safety being my Full Self. 

Where once, fragmentation– now there is wholeness. 

Where once, codependency– now I belong to myself so I can belong with you. 

Of course the path wasn’t easy…

I had to learn how to:

  • be the guardian of all this emerging goodness. 

  • feel competent in my power, wielding & protecting my Truth.

  • honor my heart as sacred and good.

  • cultivate a community safe enough to hold and celebrate my muchness. 

  • give myself permission to shine. 

  • express my grief & anger over all I lost.

  • be the adult I was still waiting for to come save me.  

  • see myself clearly, no matter what others think. 

  • let my body go at her own pace & stop overriding her.

It took time. 

It took support.

It took (the right) community. 

This is not work that can be done quickly, alone, by reading a book or doing a self-healing course.

Shame Alchemy requires us to take the doable risk of healing in relationship. 

That is exactly why I created the FORTRESS– the most comprehensive container I’ve conjured in my decade of coaching. 

This will have you going after what you want, dancing with life & expressing your Full Self alongside community.

This will connect you to your people, your Truth, your inner knowing & to Spirit.


Mini Altar Bundle - you’ll receive this in the mail in June


Come! Come let your Full Self be seen!

Come learn to dance with life!

Come, learn to Guardian the Good!!

This offers you permission to be all that you already are, and the support to let your Full Self shine.  🌞


“This work with Madison has allowed me to drop into my internal wisdom for healing and wholeness. The gentleness and spaciousness of the process has allowed hidden and shamed parts of me to emerge to the surface and bloom in their own time. I have built a secure foundation for my desires to be planted internally and to grow at a sustainable pace rather than huge expansions and then collapsing into shame.”

Lauren S.

“Madison has helped me feel more centered and grounded in my own truth and feel less shame sharing that with others, no matter their thoughts or opinions. I have so much more freedom to be me in my life, business, and relationships.”

Kim K.

I feel like I’ve gone through a metamorphosis. After being conditioned by trauma, I was kind of stuck in survival mode but not anymore. Madison provides a safe space to feel and then heal from the shame and guilt that eats at you from the inside out. She taught me how to get back in sync with my body and move through the emotions, triggers, and flashbacks that can come crashing in sometimes. I used to go through life numbing out and dissociating when things got hard. After working with Madison, I’ve learned to reconnect my mind and body, listen to what my body needs, and how to cope with life in a healthy and holistic way.”

Shaina N.



Here’s the TLDR:

The FORTRESS is a 12 month live online program with ongoing support for folks who want to alchemize shame without the treacherous self-help grind.

This is for folks who want to fill their life up with goodness, beauty, and ease. 

Offering you a space to come out & be seen, mirrored, received and regarded as sacred in a space that would never shame you for being YOU.

The basics…

  • 2 x monthly 2-hour live sessions hosted on Zoom    

  • 12 lessons over 12 months

  • Each month unlocks a potent teaching, ritual guide, a recorded somatic hypnosis based on that weeks topic  

  • We meet on Tuesdays from 5-7pm CST 

  • Investment: $125/month for a minimum of 12 months. Cancel anytime after your 12 month commitment. Stay for ongoing support. :)

  • Enrollment ends May 31 at 11:59pm CST - Month 1 content drops June 1, our first call is June 4

Curious to dip your toes in the water before investing?

Take my 90 minute workshop, Sacred Sword: Shame Alchemy for Full Expression


What if your body was the safest place to dwell, the overflow of your heart was the sweetest truth you hear and the present moment was your favorite place to be?

In other words, what if you learned how to simply let life (and your True Self) be good?

Even if you’re not sure it’s possible, let yourself be willing to hold a vision of it. Around here, I teach simple, doable and practical ways that allow you to make it happen. 


This was made for those wanting to…

✔️ have permission and support to be all that you already are.

✔️ take off the mask of who you're pretending to be and are sick of the shame, self-editing and fear cycle that keeps you from expressing the truth of who you are.

✔️ come allllll the way out (whatever that means for you).

✔️ have more access to the energy of connection, celebration, and ease.

✔️ set boundaries in a way that feels life-giving.

✔️ create kindred community with capacity for celebration.

✔️ alchemize shame & access full self-expression.

✔️ stop hustling for wholeness, fixing themselves & know healing doesn’t have to be treacherous or hard.

✔️ increase their capacity for celebration, joy, ease and goodness.

✔️ fill their lives up with goodness, and aren’t sure how to cultivate it, let it in or protect it.

✔️ develop a more intimate relationship to your body, to others, to God/Source, and to nature. 

✔️ have accessible coaching and spiritual guidance that’s down to earth, queer-celebrating and rooted in Liberation for ALL.

✔️resource yourself so you can speak up, stay anchored in goodness & steadfast in a world filled with injustice, political unrest and endless news cycles. 

✔️use simple tools that actually work with a community of consistent practice.

✔️stop trying so fucking hard. (!!!!!)

If you’ve been doing “the work” of self-healing, only to find yourself depleted, distraught, full of information but not more free, it’s likely you are needing reprieve, rest, and refreshment offered in the FORTRESS. 



This is not for…

  • Those needing the 1-1 attention & attunement of therapy. 

  • Those uncomfortable with difference– I welcome trans & queer people, & folks of all religions. If you are uncomfortable holding yourself in difference with dignity and respect for all humans, please do not join. We CELEBRATE difference & muchness around here.

  • Those who do not feel safe to take care of themselves in group spaces. (if you’ve got a lot of “stuff” around groups but feel eager to join, consider coming to calls with your video off, and experimenting with being seen in small, doable bits).

  • Those uncomfortable with shamanism, ritual and spiritual tools for healing. This work is informed by shamanism, spiritual practices and somatic magic. If you’re looking for a therapeutic process devoid of spirit, this is not it. 

  • Those unable to take responsibility for their personal experiences, consent, triggers and inner-safety. Your experiences are always valid here, and they are also yours; meaning I will not be able to predict what will make you feel safe, only you can do that. Emotional maturity is a skill and capacity we cherish around here.


as a member you receive:


2 Live Group Calls per month with Madison

  • 2 x 2-hour monthly live calls with replay (Value: $9,000 total)

  • Seasonal Equinox ceremonies (Value: $500)

Monthly lessons & Ritual Guides

  • 12 recorded Soul Sermon audio & video lessons (Value: $1000)

  • 12 PDF Ritual Guides with action and journal prompts (Value: $300 total)

  • Bi-weekly emails for practical application


An Intimate Global Community

  • Community forum & membership space (Value: $2600)

  • Our members are from multiple countries, timezones and backgrounds. Our common ground is the desire for a more grounded, whole and spiritual life where all of us is welcome.

Somatic tools for integration & play

  • Monthly Dance playlist (Value: $120)

  • 12 recorded Somatic movement practices and Hypnosis (Value: $300 total)

BONUS! Mini Altar Bundle

  • Includes stickers & sword matches, rose quartz heart, protection mirror & mini sword and palo santo. (Value: $50)


Total Value offered: $13,895** 

Your investment: $125/month

Enrollment ends May 31. Paying in full gives you 2 months free. Cancel anytime after 12 months.

*Value calculations based on my current hourly group training rates and what individual items would cost if re-sold. 

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Join now

Enrollment closes May 31. Program begins June 1.


12 month commitment

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.

one year all access pass & 2 free months

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.


sliding scALE

Needing financial assistance?

You know your situation best, and you’ll never have to disclose your income or circumstances.

Please note that those who purchase via sliding scale will not receive an Altar Bundle.

Paying full price when you can allows for our small team, who are all autistic and queer, to be paid appropriately. Please use your integrity muscle when choosing sliding scale.



Micro-dose the program!

Try before you buy. Take Sacred Sword Workshop to dip your toes in & see if my work is right for you.


“This is playful shadow work that gives PERMISSION.

I feel more congruence between my soul and my identity with my behaviors. It feels profound. Like the roots and the foundations have shifted and I will get to watch life and goodness grow from that not just in this season, but for a long time to come. 

I have gained so much permission, congruence, and skill through our reflections and work together.”

Rebecca D.

“The most beautiful and transformational parts of the work I’ve done with Madison have come from just sitting and having space held for me and my truth. She once told me while sitting that there was nothing I could do wrong and nothing I could do right, and it was like my whole world view and self-perception shifted on its axis. Listening to my body and staying present to what’s true for me in the moment has been a new experience and Madison is a supportive and insightful guide.”

Shaina L.

“Working with Madison is like working with a highly-skilled, highly-intuitive friend who creates beautiful, seemingly infinite space for self-exploration, community, and embodiment. I have felt aligned to Madison’s work for years and I’m so grateful to have the chance we work with her/them in a time that it felt aligned and truly needed. To someone thinking about seeking services with her, I’d say listen to the nudge to do so. We are not meant to heal alone.”

-Carlie C.

“This work brings me back to myself. I am claiming my own uniqueness & no longer believe I am bad, shameful or wrong because I am neurodivergent, highly sensitive & have past trauma. I hold myself with greater compassion and love. It’s been an ongoing process of self-acceptance and self-honoring, allowing myself space to be in the world.”

Megan C.


Why a one year commitment?

After coaching for a decade, I know that transformative change, quality relationships and re-orienting to a new, more liberated way of being in the world takes time, immersion and integration. 

The journey back to your True Self does not happen in a 3-week online course, nor can shame alchemy happen without community. We need time, the proper support & the right community— we won’t find that by consuming more, but rather in going both higher & deeper, together.

You can think of the FORTRESS like a decadent meal your Soul gets to share with trusted kin. Where your True Self gets a chance to show up, be celebrated & seen.

This is where the real magic happens. 

Your path cannot be rushed.

Your journey cannot be forged alone.

Let the FORTRESS be a continual refuge for your ongoing learning, un-shaming, devotion & belonging your Soul craves. 

Your healing gives back—

2% of sales from THE FORTRESS will be set aside to offer pro-bono coaching to select members of the Springfield, Missouri Child Advocacy Center, an organization that helps children harmed by sexualized violence begin their journey toward safety, healing, and justice.

The CAC provides support to child abuse investigations, access to critical services, and raises community awareness to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect in Southern Missouri.

As a child abuse survivor myself, who has spent thousands of dollars and many years healing, it’s my hope to see young people receive support, justice and healing as early as possible. Your participation in the FORTRESS, and your own commitment to healing allows for the flow of wellbeing to circulate to the children in my community.


the curriculum


🌈Month 1: Creating Conditions

What’s going right? By laying a solid foundation of stability, wellbeing and resource, we will begin showing your nervous system that it is safe to be here. You will be guided to anchor into inner stability and safety, create an altar space, and gently map a way forward that feels spacious, easy and light.  

🍯Month 2: Inner Safety & Integrity

Inner safety & soul-aligned living - Diving into the foundational elements of a life well lived: what matters to you.  We will get back to basics and look at what’s working, what’s not working, drop into your values and your desires… and how “doable” those feel right now. Bolster your life with sweetness, beauty, and ease - because healing doesn’t have to be treacherous or hard. You get to dance with life around here. ;) 

💕 Month 3: Choice

You belong to you - You’ll discover how to hear your needs, preferences and desires where they have once been frozen, enmeshed or diminished. In accessing your true feelings, you’ll begin to feel your sovereignty, from the inside-out, and engage the world with more power, clarity and Truth. You choose. Every step of the way.  

🫂Month 4: Orienting Towards the Good

Living liberation is an orientation, not a destination - Rather than waiting for something (or someone) outside us to change, we build upon our inner safety and orient your attention on the things that add goodness here and now– both without bypassing and without the outside world changing.  Through paying loving, non-judgmental attention, you’ll begin to notice how it feels in your body to access goodness and Source from Source.

⚔️ Month 5: Boundaries

Becoming the Guardian of the Goodness - This is a must for all highly-sensitives, codependents in recovery & empaths!  Grow your ability to repair leaky boundaries & protect what’s good in your life with ritual, visualization and practical action so that your younger parts see that it’s finally safe to be you. This is where you start filling your life up with what gives you life, not just protecting or guarding against what depletes it. 

❤️‍🔥Month 6: Shame Alchemy

Your True Essence is Good -  Learn how to de-shame shame itself.  Move stuck emotion with Shame Alchemy - micro-practices that melt shame in ways that feel nourishing & follow your body’s natural, cyclical rhythms. (No need for screaming catharsis, shaking or weeks of dysregulation to release. This is gentle).

You’ll experience the goodness of your own heart underneath old protective strategies. You will restore your inherent belonging, goodness and discover just how good it is to be you. 


🫀Month 7: Sacred Heart Sanctuary

Heart medicine & authentic self-expression - This lesson puts you back in contact with a way of expressing yourself in the world that would be most organic and natural for you.  Through play and self-honoring you’ll find yourself connecting to the hidden parts of yourself that are ready to come forward and make themselves known in your life. Acknowledge the part of you that wants to SHINE. You’ll take a small, doable, 1%  action towards bringing more YOU forward.  

🫂Month 8: Safe for Celebration

Practice coming out in safe spaces - Here you’ll be mirrored in your Truth, received and regarded as Sacred. Plus, you’ll weed the garden - aka stop sharing your emerging Truth with people who reinforce hiding & shame! Instead, learn how to identify those with Capacity for Celebration: folks who would LOVE to clap, hoot & holler for you!

(While no one can guarantee safety, my clients report feeling incredibly safe and seen in my spaces; able to be who they really are, just by being in the energy of the groups I cultivate).

🍄‍Month 9: Becoming a Truth Devotee

Shameless Self-Expression! Discover the truth about what you really want, & learn how to ride any corresponding wave of fear like a pro. You’ll identify whose gaze you’ve been living for & cut those damn cords with love, creating new ways of relating where you bring more of you. 

🌞Month 10: Right Vision

Rituals for embodying beauty, awe, and wonder - Through connecting to nature’s stability and seasons, along with using micro-rituals for presence and prayer (no religious or spiritual affiliation needed here) you’ll comb through the mind’s endless to-do’s, judgments, and fears and let yourself drop into beauty, awe, and wonder.  With a brief lesson on the power of projection, you’ll be reminded how the mind can either keep us from being right here, in connection with ourselves and one another or how the mind can become a powerful tool to awaken us to the present moment. 

🦋Month 11: Life as Worship

Create rituals, do practical magic & use the body to heal through play! It’s through ritual we don’t have to incessantly analyze or fix ourselves. It’s in ritual we restore what was wounded by giving ourselves what we actually needed– safety to unfurl & to BE our True Selves. Through doing it together we learn in real time that we aren’t alone, and give ourselves embodied proof that who we are is enough.

🏹Month 12: Living Libreration

Life as art, Living your Liberation - We will end our 12-months with celebration and simple ways to continue living into your liberation. You’ll now have foundational tools, embodied experience and soul-community that will support you with a solid base of support to go out into your life, FULLY as YOU so you can continue the practices that add joy, goodness, and beauty to your life. 


Through 12 months in THE FORTRESS, you’ve entered the Sacred Sanctuary of your own Heart– a safe space you get to take this with you, wherever you go. 

After the 12th month, you can continue the journey with us, or to choose to exit THE FORTRESS with everything you needed. 


"This is playful shadow work that gives PERMISSION." -R.D.


Join now

Enrollment closes May 31. Program begins June 1.


12 month commitment

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.

one year all access pass & 2 free months

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.


sliding scALE—

Needing financial assistance? You’ll never have to prove your situation to me or disclose your income or circumstances to receive sliding scale prices.

Please note that those who purchase via sliding scale will not receive an Altar Bundle.



Micro-dose the program!

Try before you buy. Take Sacred Sword Workshop to dip your toes in & see if my work is right for you.


Hi, I’m madison!

I help people see themselves clearly, remember their power & live freely as themselves.

For the last decade, I have been supporting folks in freeing themselves from their old programming, alchemizing shame, rewriting beliefs about themselves they never chose and peeling back the parts of their identity that hinder them from accessing the vast and beautiful truth of who they are.

And this!! This is when the fun part begins! 

From this place you get to curate a life of JOY.

A life by design, deliberation and devotion. A life centered on your unique needs, your authentic expression and your innate goodness. 

My love, don’t forget that it’s through living more freely as YOU each and every day that the life of wholeness and freedom you desire is even possible. 


My training & depth study informs what we do in The Fortress–

My way is contemplative and non-dual. I use the skills learned in the below trainings and the influence of the teachings from my mentors in my work, which include:

  • Undergraduate degree in interpersonal communication and psychology (2012)

  • Conflict, mediation and dispute resolution certification (2013)

  • Self-Inquiry & coaching via BYCA Life Coach Certification (2015)

  • Neuro Linguistic Programing and hypnosis certification (2020)

  • Vedic Meditation trianing (2020)

  • Shamaic Medicine & Ritual - (Mesa 1) with mentor Karen Duncan, M.S. LPC, Hampe Kamayok, Medicine Woman in the Inca tradition of healers. (2022-2024)

  • Ongoing and depth mentorship with Holly & Matt Krepps, teachers of presence, Wisdom Mentor, Yoga therapist, Wisdom Enneagram teacher & founder of Circle Yoga Shala. (2019-present)

  • Circle Yoga Shala’s YTT 200 hour - June 2024-Oct 2024

  • Alchemical Alignment: a training for Somatic Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit. (2023-2024 with ongoing supervision)

  • Personal studies include:

    • Somatic movement: Dance & Hapkido

    • The power of sacred, celebratory circle and ritual

    • Non-dual contemplative spirituality & 4th Way Spiritual Practices


What the folks I work with say—

“Never have I once experienced this level of mastery, nuance, or calling into my personal power and sovereignty from a coach.” -SW


“I came into working with Madison full of blocks and dead ends; now all I see is expanse, openness and choice. I can breathe deeply.” -SM

“This welcomed all parts of me, messy as they may be, and showed me that all of me is welcome.”  C.C.


I feel a calm confidence about playing way bigger in my life and business because I am so rooted in my own worthiness.” -KK


“Madison helped me learn to trust myself, and dream big again. Because of that shift, I show up more fully in my work, my relationships, my marriage and for myself.” — MJ

“This work helped me to bloom a stunning pink rose in my heart." — A.S.


“The biggest change is my increased self-trust. I'm learning to trust my voice, my desires, my intuition.” —DJ


A quick recap—

You will receive— 

  • 12 PDF Ritual Guides with action and journal prompts (Value: $300 total)

  • 12 recorded Soul Sermon audio & video lessons (Value: $1000)

  • 12 recorded Somatic movement practices and Hypnosis (Value: $300 total)

  • Community forum & membership space (Value: $2600) 

  • Seasonal Equinox Gatherings (Value: $500)

  • Monthly Dance playlist (Value: $120)

  • EARLY BIRD BONUS Ritual Altar Bundle (Value: $75)

  • 12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose. Cancel anytime after 12 months. 

Total Value offered: $13,895** 

Minimum 12 months commitment.

$125 a month through May 31.


“​​This work opened me up to the possibility of truly healing by showing me what is quite literally poisoning my soul. My intuition is heightened, my somatic experiences are validated, and my creativity has expanded and shown me the way to healing.

Elora R.

“I entered this work with an open mind, with no true idea of what I was “supposed” to do. I realized very quickly that there was no “right way” to be.

Madison‘s compassion and empathy are prominent when you enter her healing space— the approach is gentle, patient, kind and reassuring, which provides a safe environment that encourages healing and moving through the emotions at your own pace.

I’m deeply grateful for the healing, growth and transformative effects this work is having on my life and how it is unveiling my most authentic self.”


This work has helped me heal from shame by normalizing being human. The community, and Madison’s support has welcomed all parts of me, messy as they may be, and shown me that all of me is welcome. Not just in that space, but in all of my life.”

Christina C.



  • For folks who cannot afford a yearly retreat in Bali, or who struggle to find your in-person kin or mentor who can really “see” you– online spaces are often a refuge and wonderful supplement to your everyday life, expanding your mind, introducing your to new possibilities and supporting you as you make the everyday changes you need to bridge the gap.

    Doing an online program is an opportunity to receive the highest quality coaching from anywhere in the world. And you don’t have to wait.

    Personally, as much as I love in-person learning, I owe so much of my healing and current life to my online community and connections. In fact, when I first left the church, when I first started my business, when I was getting a divorce and no one understood, online communities were where I found my kin. An online community group call was actually where I first came out as queer! At the time, it was the safest place I had to be my fully-expressed self.

    Online communities are continually where I learn, expand, take programs, gain certifications, meet and keep connections with some of my dearest friends. Plus, as a facilitator of 9 years, I’ve coached thousands of people online and have seen some of the most profound shifts occur before ever meeting someone in the flesh.

  • You will immediately receive an email confirmation containing the log in page URL and be taken to the FORTRESS Dashboard. You will also be prompted to create a password.

    You'll get immediate access to the call calendar, a welcome video and an actionable plan that will support you to get started using all the resources inside the FORTRESS, which unlock June 1.

  • Although my spaces are predominantly women and femmes, this space is gender-inclusive.

    I welcome trans folks into my groups. If this makes you uncomfortable please don’t join.

  • There is no private 1-1 support.

    Each month I will be live on 2 group Zoom calls, where you can ask questions and share your own thoughts in a group space.

  • This is a 12 month minimum commitment. with a recurring subscription. After 12 months, you can cancel anytime by emailing our team, and within 48 business hours your account will be paused.

    All content is available while you’re a paying member, aside from worksheets which are downloadable and available for you to keep for a lifetime.

  • Absolutely! Many folks in my communities are coaches and therapists themselves!

    This is a self-inquiry program and will add depth to any healing or personal development work you are already doing. Please let your mental health practitioner know what you are learning so they can support you accordingly. This is not a replacement for trauma therapy, it can, however, supplement it.

    This membership is about that leap from surviving to thriving.

    If you’re presently navigating a personal, relational or financial crisis and need one on one support, this is not the program for you. If you're ready to thrive, let's do it!

  • I know there is a lot of fluff, junk-food teaching and bullshit– enough to make you healthfully skeptical. That said, having been in the online coaching space for 10 years now, I know the value of great online coaching programs.

    For many of us, we can piece together knowledge, rituals and tools from random places, but without context it’s incredibly challenging to implement it into our lives so we can see the real changes we long for.

    The FORTRESS makes the spiritual rituals more like natural rhythms in life– and the monthly Ritual Guide will walk you through exactly what to do to make it actionable. You will be more connected to your heart, be able to express your truth, have more access to your power and feel more alive, free and yourself as a result of immersing yourself in this space.

    You may be relieved to know that if you join, my aim will be to equip you with simple, easy to implement tools, skills, practical rituals, mindset, community and capacity you need to meet whatever life brings to you while staying in your integrity. The digital content you receive immediately upon purchase has received rave reviews for years, with no requests for refunds ever. And that’s not considering all the live calls we will have together.

    Plus, this community celebrates spirituality, body-diversity, gender expression, queerness and neurodivergence– something sadly so rare in online healing spaces.

    This offering is the culmination of 10 years and thousands of hours of coaching that offers you live support from a mentor, ongoing education, skills and tools, and a community of kindred souls each and every month.

    You will be able to take and apply everything you learn here into your everyday life, and allow it to keep meeting you as you move into different situations or life circumstances.

  • There are 2 hour-long live calls each month, and in addition to that you are welcome to utilize the journaling prompts, bonus resources available to you, which may take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour a week.

    I recommend doing what’s doable for you! There are no gold stars for doing this perfectly, so participate at your level of comfort.

  • There is no “cap” on the number of people who can join this program. We average 40 members at a time, but due to time zones and work schedules, not all members utilize the calls, which range between 5-12 people per call on average.

    Imbued with choice, you are welcome to watch the replay instead of coming live, send in questions to be answered when you can’t be there, or come to every live call available!

  • We don't do refunds for any reason - live programs and digital content cannot be returned.

    Once you join, all 12 payments will be processed before you can cancel your subscription.



Something I didn’t answer here?


"the process has allowed hidden & shamed parts of me to emerge to the surface and bloom." -L.S.


Join now

Enrollment closes May 31. Program begins June 1.


12 month commitment

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.

one year all access pass & 2 free months

You Receive:

👉12 monthly Soul-Sermon Audio & Ritual Guides

👉2 x Monthly LIVE Community Calls

👉Seasonal Gatherings for the Equinox

👉12 Monthly Dance Playlists

👉Digital Community Space to share

👉12 monthly movement practices & hypnosis

👉Bonus Mini Altar Bundle!

👉12 month commitment, with monthly ongoing support thereafter if you so choose.


Your life is your altar.
