Episode 7: Using your Cycle as a Portal for Healing with Jasmine Rose

Jasmine Rose

I was being guided down this really beautiful path of questioning everything…understanding that everything that I’d been told about my body, particularly about my cycle and my womb and my sexuality and the way that I can express myself in this body, was a narrative that I wasn’t willing to subscribe to anymore”

-Jasmine Rose, The Everything Belongs Podcast


Today on the Everything Belongs podcast, we are in conversation with Jasmine Rose of Humble Wild Wellness. Jasmine is a Sacred Womb Doula. She is passionately facilitating conversations around rewriting the narrative around our womb, sensuality, menstruation, fertility, and birth. After bleeding for nearly 365 days straight, she heard the wake up call from her womb. Jasmine now works with womb bearers to (re)discover the wisdom within + how to become an integral part of shifting the narrative around our menstruation, fertility, and wombs. In this nourishing conversation, Madison and Jasmine dive into moving out of our internalized distrust of the feminine and our periods and into reconnecting with our womb wisdom and sovereignty. From start to finish, Jasmine shares her own journey from abuse and care-taking as a young girl into her experience of bleeding for over a year and finally reveals how she intuitively communicates with her womb space through ritual and daily communion. She also takes us through deep knowledge of our own cycle seasons and the cervix portal. Listen in to this enlightening conversation here...


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In this episode we have a conversation about:

  • The seasons of the feminine cycle and how anyone can use them to live, create and manifest

  • A deep discussion about our taught aversion and disgust of feminine bleeding and reclaiming our wholeness around it

  • How understanding our cervix and womb touches all parts of our body & emotional experience and healing

  • Exploring and claiming our fertility and mothering abilities outside of childbirth

  • An honest discussion about reclaiming and communing with our periods and bleeding with our partners and within relationships

  • So much more….



Where to find more of Jasmine:

Jasmine's Website

Jasmine's Instagram

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