4 steps to breaking the cycle of “giving your power away”

There is freedom in responsibility. In fact, I don’t think we can experience true liberation without taking responsibility. They go hand in hand.

The issue is we either take too much responsibility (get into other peoples business) or too little (abdicate responsibility for what’s ours).

When we talk sovereignty in Rising Sovereign, we don’t mean hyper-independence, we mean: 

I belong to me, you belong to you, we belong together.”

And in order for that level of interdependence to work, we must know what is and is not our responsibility, and what is our shared responsibility.

  • Other people's experience of you is not your responsibility.

  • Other people's emotions are not your responsibility.

  • Other people's choices are not your responsibility.

  • Other people's boundaries are not your responsibility.

  • Other people's jobs are not your responsibility.

  • Other people's life directions are not your responsibility.

YOUR energies are your responsibility.

From there, what the shared responsibility is makes itself known and acted upon if we so choose. 

(Because there is always choice).

When you place others at the center of your reality instead of yourself, you step out of the sovereign seat in your own life. This is how we “give our power away” - which, over time, leads to resentment, deep-rooted anger, jealousy and a loss of your sense of self. Not to mention, never truly shining in your truth.

How do we break this cycle?

*By minding (and managing) our own business.*

4 simple steps to breaking the cycle of “giving your power away” and minding your own business- 

1- Focus on your own experience.

2- Get comfortable naming your feelings.

3- Become self-governed.

4- Choose your freedom over their comfort.

This is the pathway to living in your fullness.

This is self-responsibility.

This is sovereignty.

And in my path, this is also liberation. 🌹

Goodness is coming for you,

xo, Madison

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